
3 Counties Squash Masters Open 2024

Friday 22 November - Sunday 24 November 2024

General Info:
Registration Closed: (Closed 6 pm Friday 8th November 2024)

Players may still register after registration closes but your entry will be moved to the reserve list and will only be allowed to participate if an age group player withdraws within the correct seeding range.

Terms and Conditions for Players Entering England Squash Masters Bronze Tier Tournament

Click here for the terms and conditions.

England Qualification Points

This event does count towards England qualification points for 2024-25.

Event Constraints: 

- The maximum number of event participants is 120:
- The maximum number per age group is 16 (Note age groups may be split into different groups by ability)
- Age group draws may be combined if there are insufficient participants to make an age group draw viable 

Event Timings

The event is planned to take place over the following days:

- Friday 22nd November -  From 5 pm until 9 pm (latest finish)
- Saturday 23rd November - From 10 am to 6 pm
- Sunday 24th November - From 11 am to 2 pm

Event Registration

Step 1 - Player Profile Account

In order to register for this event, you must have an active player profile account for this website with England Squash Masters.
If you have not got an account click on the link below. If you have an account proceed to Step 2.

Step 2 - Event Registration

Once your account has been created, login to this website using the login button towards the top right of this webpage.
Once logged in, register for the event using the link below.

Step 3 - Entry Fee Payment

Once you have registered for the event, follow the instructions provided to pay the event entry fee.

Venue Information:

Number of Courts    4
Parking  The Club has approximately 100 places with the adjoining football and rugby clubs. Overflow parking if needed is not an issue.
Refreshments  Bar: Tea coffees & soft drinks are available at all times. The bar is licensed from 12 noon each day.
Food: A choice of 3 menus will be available both Friday & Saturday. Saturday evening there will be a BBQ in the club gardens from 6 pm.
Gym  None available.
Lockers  None available.

Event Posters:

If you would like a copy of the event poster please select from the following:

Event Poster PDF Format (A4 - Low Resolution)   1.2 Mb
Event Poster PDF Format (A2 - High Resolution)   2.3 Mb

Registration Fees: £20.00 - Where possible players should get 3 or more matches over the event.


Free entry for all female players who have not registered and participated in an England Squash Masters event before (including British Open, National, Regional or Bronze Tier Masters events).
Players should email: [email protected] to obtain this offer once registered for the event.
Age Groups: Men's O35 O40 O45 O50 O55 O60 O65 O70 O75
Women's O35 O40 O45 O50 O55 O60 
Website: Website Link
Map: Map Link
Draw Type 
Finalists / Top Two 
Men's Over 35-402x3 Pool Michael Aley bt Mark McEwen3-2 (11/4, 10/12, 13/11, 7/11, 18/16)
Men's Over 454 Pool1st Alistair Coker; 2nd Chris BartleyPool
Men's Over 502x3 Pool Wayne Beglan bt Chris Lynam3-1 (14/12, 4/11, 11/8, 11/6)
Men's Over 552x3 Pool Richard Carr bt Tim Smith3-2 (11/8, 11/9, 11/13, 5/11, 11/6)
Men's Over 602x3 Pool Peter Call bt Keith Winfield3-0 (11/9, 11/7, 11/2)
Men's Over 652x3 Pool Richard Millman bt George Kousseff3-1 (11/6, 6/11, 11/2, 11/8)
Men's Over 70-808 DrawPeter Quarman bt Richard Kellagher3-0 (11/6, 11/7, 11/1)
Women's Over 35-502x3 Pool Heather Joy bt Keeley Peacock3-1 (11/8, 8/11, 11/5, 13/11)
Men's Over 70-80 PlateFinal OnlyJohn Culverhouse bt Ian Lennox3-2 (6/11, 11/8, 11/6, 11/13, 11/7)
To follow

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